Technology & Assessment

As teachers, we are constantly looking for new ways to assess students in an organized, effective and equitable manner.  Sometimes, finding or choosing appropriate assessment methods can be the hardest part.  “Teacher observations” or “Anecdotal notes” won’t always be the solution! As 21st century teachers, there are many online tools and resources that can be used for formative assessment. Please feel free to explore these three effective resources to help you with your assessment practices:
Tool: Sesame HQ
What is it: Web-based application, can be accessed on computer, tablet, or phone
How can I use it: Sesame HQ can be used to create student portfolios to organize student work, and to create student assessment data such as anecdotal notes, checklists, and rubrics. Recent updates to Sesame SNAP allow you to assess student directly on the app!
Check it out here:

Tool: Edmodo
What is it: An online platform educational platform to facilitate learning
How can I use it: As a teacher, you can create your own “private group” to use as a platform for discussions. Within this secure location, students can post answers, or share thoughts to engage in discussion with other students. As a teacher, you can monitor their online interactions. Edmodo can be used for formative assessment, through the posting of “exit cards” or key questions. Students can also respond to other students’ posts, to demonstrate their critical thinking.
Check it out here:

Tool: Kahoot!
What is it: A website created for a game-based approach to blended learning. On Kahoot you can create quizzes, discussions, and surveys.
How can I use it: As a teacher, you can create quizzes on Kahoot for students to access through school devices, or their own device. Students answer questions displayed at the front of the classroom using their own device. Points are accumulated for speed, which adds an element of excitement to the quiz. Students’ individual results can be downloaded after the quiz. This can be used for formative assessment purposes.
Check it out here:

Miss Vessio

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